Cannabis seeds are generally a only few millimeters wide and can contain a wide range of genetic information making up the many strains available today. Seeds are generally feminized and remain the most common way to acquire genetics from a breeder.
Seeds that are not already feminized can be either male or female and it's not possible to tell just from their outer appearance. A few weeks into the vegetative phase plants will start to exhibit physical expressions of sex. Growers who are trying to produce buds need to grow female plants, male cannabis plants are generally reserved for breeding purposes. If a plant is stressed it may display physical characteristics of both male and female plants, this is known as a hermaphrodite.
Germination is the process of reactivating metabolic machinery in an otherwise dormant seed, creating a seedling. Seeds can be placed directly into soil around 10-15mm deep[1] and left to germinate or you can germinate them by using one of the methods below before sowing into your growing medium. The seed has successfully germinated when a tap root protrudes from the seed casing and should be moved to the growing medium at this point. Temperature plays a huge role in the time it takes for a seed to germinate. Germination will be fastest between 22°C and 25°C. At this temperature germination will take a few days, in poorer conditions it may take up to a week.
3% Hydrogen peroxide solution is the most readily available and the closest to the ideal 1% concentration. I should be diluted with water in a ratio of 2:1 (e.g 2 shots water to 1 shot 3% hydrogen peroxide). Seeds should be soaked for a maximum of 12 hours to avoid waterlogging them (in other words, drowning). After soaking seeds can be further germinated in water tissue or sown into soil.
Seeds can be germinated in a glass of water. They should be taken out after 24 hours to avoid drowning the seed. Seeds can be soaked to soften the shell casing but in most cases this is unnecessary.