=== High frequency light ===
Approximately 3% of the light radiation from the sun is ultraviolet; in the range of 100-400 nm. The light is the ratio of 1:30 UVB to UVA, and all UVC is absorbed by the atmosphere, particularly the Ozone layer.
UV light rays can damage plants and stress them, triggering the creation of more trichromes<ref>What light spectrum does weed need to grow? - Growing Cannabis 201: Advanced Grow Tips | Indica Institute - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NY0bB_Jmt5E</ref><ref>Pate, David W. (1983). "Possible role of ultraviolet radiation in evolution of Cannabis chemotypes" doi:10.1007/BF02904200</ref> UV lights specifically for growing are available but it is also possible to re-purpose a UV light intended for a reptile enclosure.
==== UV A (315-400 nm) ====